
inDevelopment Project

Multi-solo is choreographic metaphor that pits four diverse soloists in a performance scenario to unpack individualist culture.

Multi-solo is an experimental contemporary performance work featuring four extremely skilled, and diversely experienced dance artists performing their version of the same solo at the same time. Developed in creative silos and performed in experimental unison, Multi-solo leverages a theatrical context as a means to explore the age of narcissism in a choreo-situational social metaphor, inviting us to deepen and flex our understanding of what unites and separates us.

Spring-boarding from their critically acclaimed solo performance Progress Report that featured five cubic meters of polystyrene, tackling our relationship to waste, Currie and Macindoe face off with the dilemma of social connection in late stage capitalism. The work spans a broad range of performance material from both choreographic and improvisational dance, spoken word that flexes and contorts language and dramatic norms, and hyper complex prop work.

Playing with theatrical effects, symbolic, and physical object manipulation, the props in Multi-solo include four matching sets of objects that each soloist works with over the course of the performance. The objects are in a state of flux and transition in meaning and use throughout, culminating in the final act where each object is slowly lifted into the ceiling slowly ascending into a hanging cloud.

This work was developed with Dancenorth in 2023 as part of its 4 Walls and a Floor Program.

Image credits: Amber Haines

Performance History

  • 2025


Alisdair Macindoe
Alison Currie
Rachel Coulson
Raina Peterson
Kyall Shanks
Geoffrey Watson



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