current Project

The installation presents a carnivalesque garden housing imagined ‘exotic’, medicinal and dangerous species.

Created by
Justin Talplacido Shoulder
Produced by
Insite Arts

ΛΞ♢N† : TITAN ARUM is a communal garden where one plant might join with another or where one species might care for another. The hanging fruits and carnivorous plants echo the pageantry of the Panangbenga Festival in the Philippines, while at the same time produce an alternative world that revels in the possibilities of a queering diasporic community.

In this installation, Shoulder inhabits plant forms and animates them through dance, light and sound before disappearing into ‘nature’. Each inhabitation is marked by seasonal change, creating a distinct four-part cycle in which the garden morphs and grows.

ΛΞ♢N† : TITAN ARUM premiered as part of The National (2021) at the Art Gallery of NSW. This project has been assisted by the Australian Government through the Australia Council for the Arts, its arts funding and advisory body. 

Photography by: AGNSW, Felicity Jenkins 


“AEON†: TITAN ARUM is a camp celebration of floral splendour, and a very queer reimagining of the botanical order. It encourages us to consider alternative worlds, and to celebrate the truly weird and wondrous one we already inhabit.”

“The improbable and the marvellous”


Creator and Performer
Justin Shoulder
Costume and Set Design
Justin Shoulder
Matthew Stegh
Lighting Design
Fausto Brusamolino
Corin Ileto
Costume and Set Design Assistant
Brenda Lam



Jason Cross → Email